Saturday, November 30, 2013

SATANIC POWER Jesus replied to his soul, the devil inside, "Get behind me, Satan:

The teachings of Jesus are not easy for the religious or learned person to understand; after all, we have been taught all our life that the soul belongs to God.

The soul's design is to focus the mind's attention outwards into this world, with the help of the physical senses, and keep it from realizing its divine origin. The soul provides the mind with a world-consciousness to focus and keep it focused on the things of this world. Since everyone is controlled in the same fashion, no one notices or questions what they don't know. All human beings seem to appear to be the same; there isn't too much difference among us. We think that what we can do, others can do; and what we cannot do, others cannot do as well. Given a healthy body & brain it would appear that we all have
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