Sunday, April 8, 2012


 A New Message From VERONICA 
     "In life, behavior can become a repeated pattern.  Deep grooves of experience can often damage relationships with others and even yourself.
     Many find themselves in predicaments that can only be described as "feeling stuck".
     How does one remedy such things?
     Perhaps a concentrated effort to create the unexpected would be of help.  It is easy to create action that becomes comfortable at first.  Many find relief to have found a relationship to participate in.  Some end up staying too long in an inappropriate one or behaving contrary to their own being just to keep it.
     If your relationship is suffering, change the course of your participation.  Do something unexpected to stir the energy to a more positive perspective.
     It is important to realize that some relationships are beyond redemption.  By changing your behavior, you become able to perceive the true intentions of your partner. 
     It always takes two to tango.  Both parties must be willing to do the work necessary to redeem the relationship.
     There are those who may offer resistance simply because they do not know how to take the first step.  So why not you?  Decide to change the energy to an upward spiral instead of a downward one.
     Both need to consider that the relationship is more important than being right.  At the end of the life, it will be remembered who was loved.
     It will not be who scored the most points in an argument.
     Keep focused on what initially attracted you to the relationship.  Take steps to rekindle.
     You may be surprised at the clarity that can be wrought by simply changing the energy.  Do it and see what occurs.
     Be the creator of the unexpected.
     It may be just the action required."
This edition can be seen as a web page at:

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