Friday, January 18, 2013

Reality Check

A forum for questions and comments on Infinite Reality

Welcome to Reality Check.  Feel free to participate, or simply spectate.
Why the name Reality Check? Before asking a question or commenting, participants should check their “viewpoint” and ask themselves a question or two.  Such as: “Am I starting exclusively with what is true of the Infinite alone?  Feel Free to Spectate or ParticipateOr am I speaking of a ‘personal me’ and what this ‘me’ seemingly thinks, feels or experiences?  Who alone is being alive, aware here, now?”  The answer is the Infinite Self Itself, and there is no other.  That is the basis of this website—to “speak” from the standpoint of the Infinite.  The point is, make a Reality check first.  Being clear on this at the start eliminates many unnecessary questions before they’re even asked.  If questions still persist, or if it seems you’re brand new to all this, that’s the purpose of this forum.
If you are new here, there is a sequence to these posts. The post on this page is the most recent. To start at the beginning, please look in the archives on the right-hand side of this page and start with September 25. Every effort will be made to post all questions and comments—however, due to the volume received, this may not always be possible.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


This intensive is primarily for those who have attended prior workshops, or have a very strong interest in the main points found in Consciousness Is All.

The theme will be multi-faceted, allowing us to go as deeply as possible. While there will be plenty of spontaneity and ample opportunity for all questions, the purpose is depth and immersion as consciously alive Love. Some of the deeper points in Consciousness Is All will serve as but a springboard into even "more" of Life's magnificence.

Particular emphasis will be given to the "softness" and "lightness" of Life--not as theory, but as alive, conscious experience. We will also work with some of the material from the forthcoming book, Simply Notice. The daily schedule will be approx. 10am to 5 or 6pm, with breaks, and plenty of time for sharing/socializing as a group in the evenings.

Attendance will be limited to most likely 15 attendees, possibly 20. Cost for the Intensive will be $450, or $400 for those who register before Feb. 1. This cost covers only the Intensive, not lodging or meals. (An events/registration page for this will be in place on the Consciousness Is All website in a week or so.)

Venue: Extended Stay Deluxe Hotel - Phoenix/Biltmore:

This is not a high luxury or resort hotel, but was chosen because of its central location, conveniences and pricing. Rates will be approx. $79 to $89/night, very reasonable for high season in Phoenix. Each guest room has a full kitchen.

If you are seriously interested in attending, or have questions, please notify me here, or by email, or by using the "Contact" form on the Consc. Is All website.

This event will also be listed with and

My deepest and most sincere thanks to all of you for your incredibly wonderful friendship this past year. May your Holiday season be totally Love-filled!


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