Monday, July 13, 2015


Are you ready to meet God?
Then, right now, don't touch anything, not any idea—neither good nor bad.
Don't get involved in anything at all.Anything that appears, just leave it.
Don't hold onto anything, including your self-image.
And don't be too busy leaving things.
At a certain point you leave them as they come—no pockets to store things.
Be free of all involvements.
No name, no shape, no form, no intention, no dreams, no aspirations.
Neither mix nor associate with anything.
If someone comes and taps you on the shoulder and needs help with anything,
do what needs to be done, but don't identify. Remain inwardly empty. Tell no one.
When you leave everything, He will come to meet you.
You will know Him who is your Self.
But you won't be able to talk about it.
It must not be an experience that 'you' have.
The personal self, the ego, must not survive this inquiry.
So there must not be somebody who has attained or achieved anything.
No name. No signature.
Let everything be burnt or washed away.
Master said: Die but don't be dead.
Meaning, die to all your personal notions of God, the world, and yourself.
Then you will find that which is Unborn.
This is your God Self.
Do this.
Sit by yourself and simply keep quiet.
This is my invitation.
Don't talk to me or anyone about it.
I will meet you there.

~ Mooji, Sahaja 2015

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