The date of the equinox is consistent while through the ages the location of the zodiac constellations gradually reposition.

2000 years ago the sun rose in Aires today the Sun rises in Pisces at the zero degree co-ordinate a the equinox.
The astrology calendar and the zodiac star sign dates are about a month out of sync with the location of the sun.
The priests of astrology in ancient times observed and reported what actually occurred in the sky. Astrologers were the first scientists, mathematicians and time keepers - they aimed to be accurate.
The enlightened observed the heavens to find our true place in the universe.
The calendar, time and space co-ordinants were derived by plotting the path of the sun and stars.
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"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth"
Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta (563-483 B.C.)
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