Rebuilding Trust
Steve *: “I
never imagined that Jodi would commit adultery. I lost all trust in
her. Words cannot describe how difficult it was for me to forgive her.”
Jodi: “I understand why I lost Steve’s trust. It took many years for me to prove my regret.”
Jodi: “I understand why I lost Steve’s trust. It took many years for me to prove my regret.”
THE Bible gives victims of adultery the option to decide whether to divorce or not. * (Matthew 19:9)
Steve, quoted above, decided not to get a divorce. Both he and Jodi
resolved to save their marriage. They soon learned, however, that this
meant much more than just continuing to live together. Why? Because, as
noted in their comments, Jodi’s infidelity shattered all trust between
them. Since mutual trust is vital to marital happiness, they had work to
If you and your mate are striving to save your
marriage after as great a setback as adultery, you obviously face a
difficult challenge. The first several months after the news is broken
may be especially trying. But you can succeed! How can you rebuild
trust? The wisdom found in the Bible can help. Consider the following
four suggestions.
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